Join us for the happiest 5K on the planet!!

Are you ready for the craziest, colorful, 5K of your life?? We know we are and we are excited to announce that our first 5K of the year is the Color Run in Austin!  We would love for anyone interested to join our team…

Let’s have some fun!

Team Name: Psychedelic Tooth Fairies

When: May 4th, 2013

Where: Travis County Expo Center in Austin, Texas


Rule #1 All par­tic­i­pants are wel­come… fast, slow, run­ner, walker, old, and young.
Rule #2 White shirt dress code at the offi­cial start line and ready to roll!
Rule #3 Com­plete Picasso-painting-color-madness at the finish.

If you would like to join our team please contact us for information & register at:



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